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See the Big 5 of the Sea

In the Area

About an hour’s drive from Hermanus in the fishing and tourist town of Gansbaai, you’ll embark on your ocean safari with the hopes of seeing the Big 5 of the sea, guided by experienced marine biologists.

Boat in the sea

Magical encounters with protected marine life

The ocean safari is an opportunity to get closer to the larger marine mammals in a safe and exciting environment and is a lot of fun for the whole family. Look out for whales, dolphins, seals, sharks, and African penguins, which are an endangered species that breed on the protected shores of the Cape.

Each trip lasts two to three hours as you cruise the waters off the coast of Hermanus, feel the sun on your face and enjoy the heart-stopping experience of seeing the ocean’s most revered animals living wild in their natural habitat. You’ll have the inspired minds of marine biologists on board to share knowledge and information with you.

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