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01 September, 2023

Refreshed, revitalised and rejuvenated – why Spring is so special at La Residence

La Residence

Spring – A Season of Renewal

As winter loosens its grip at last, the world is awakening to the gentle sounds and scents of Spring. Colour seeps back into the landscape, and each day brings new surprises and delights. The transformation we see all around us at La Residence never fails to thrill, as the Franschhoek Valley bursts into new life. Birds sing, the trees are covered with blossom, and now more than ever, La Residence feels like a sanctuary and a place of rejuvenation.

Blossoms and beyond

Spring is a symphony of blooms, as the carefully curated gardens produce wave after wave of colour and fragrance. The air is filled with heady scents, and it is impossible to resist stepping outside and entering a magical world of alluring newness. From delicate cherry blossoms to robust tulips, the La Residence gardens are certain to delight and inspire, while the surrounding vineyards and the mountains beyond them are washed with vibrant shades of green.

At La Residence, you’ll be sharing the joys of the new season with the springboks and goats in the paddocks. Watching them, you can’t fail to suspect that they instinctively know that change is in the air as they frolic through the meadows and enjoy simply being alive.

Culinary delights

The magic of spring extends to every dining experience at La Residence, with our farm-to-fork philosophy meaning that the menus evolve with the changing seasons. Spring is synonymous with freshness, and our skilled chefs delight in transforming seasonal local produce into dishes that tell the stories of the Cape Winelands. From crisp salads made with exceptionally flavourful vegetables and wild mushrooms, to succulent dishes featuring tender spring lamb, every meal is a celebration of the newness of Spring.

Serenity in every season

La Residence offers year-round tranquility, but is perhaps at its most serene during Spring. Visiting La Residence offers a rare opportunity to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Whether it’s a leisurely walk through the gardens or a moment of meditation by the reflecting pools, nothing compares to the sense of renewal you’ll feel during your perfect stay at La Residence – and long afterwards.

Feel revitalised, inside and out

As Nature renews itself all around you, booking a treatment in the Spa Treatment Room at La Residence is an opportunity to shed your stress and cares, and feel more alive than ever. Our expert therapists will help you relax as they guide you through our menu of hands-on treatments and therapies, many of which draw on traditional healing wisdom and involve natural ingredients sourced from the indigenous fynbos biome.

Whether at the dining table or on the treatment table, sleeping deeply in bed or strolling among the flower beds, it’s time to put a spring in your step at La Residence.

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